Have a postal vote for the students‘ unions
You are not in Mannheim on 19th and 20th April and can not attend the university’s elections? You still have the opportunity to cast your vote by a post!
You can apply for the respective ballot papers for the election of the constituted students‘ body (students‘ parliament and students‘ associations) by a written request handed over or sent to the Wahlleitung, L9, 7, 68161 Mannheim. Here you can find the official template.
The post vote documents need to be submitted by Thursday, 14th April 2016, 3 pm. (Students abroad should consider the time of mailing routes.) Eligible voters must add their electronic student identity card (ecUM) to their postal vote documents.
The post vote has to be present at the Wahlleitung, L9, 7, 68161 Mannheim, on Wednesday, 20th April 2016, 12 pm.
The postal vote documents concerning the university’s elections (senate and faculty council) must be requested in writing and submitted at the Wahlleitung of the university, Schloss Ostflügel, Zimmer O37, 68131 Mannheim. The same deadlines as mentioned above apply here.